Learn hotel

De Koekoekshof is a learning hotel and that means...​

At the Koekoekshof, in addition to our guests, we are also there for our future hoteliers. We sincerely believe that a stimulating learning environment is much more important than the “high standards” recommended by training courses, for example doing an internship in a 4/5 star hotel.

We believe that the new generation should have the opportunity to have a real hotel experience during their internship. That is why at de Koekoekshof we work very closely with educational institutions and we train students from the hospitality industry throughout the year.

A unique all-round hotel experience in which they are the center of the team and not the “extra hands” as they are so often seen. Mistakes are allowed at de Koekoekshof, precisely to learn from, but also to contribute to that unique personalized guest experience that we really stand for.

Everyone is unique, our guests, but also everyone in our team!


Wij zijn gesloten vanaf 20 januari t/m 6 februari 2022. Mocht u vragen hebben kunt u altijd mailen naar info@koekoekshof.nl